This is a private site that only selected people have access. The purpose of this site is to list my current contact information.
Those of you that know me understand it can be tough running your own business. I have had to change phone numbers and email accounts frequently due to unwanted attention.
This is my new website and it will have my up to date contact information to reach me to avoid confusion.
I currently use a scheduler in conjunction with email and text apps in order to reach out to everyone. This allows me more time to focus on you. Please note that the notifications you receive from those text and email apps are not always monitored. The text app will be a different phone number than my scheduling phone number. If you need to reach me directly please ask the scheduler and she will link you over to me. Please do not abuse this option as I receive a lot of emails and texts daily and I am trying to simplify my life .
The email address and phone number listed on this site are current for scheduling. Replying to any emails or texts that are notifying you if I am in your area may not receive a response back from me in a timely manner ALWAYS use the phone number listed on my site for communications with me.